Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese families have ingested the leaves, roots, flowers and vines in the herbal materia medica as part of their diet for centuries. At its core, Chinese herbal medicine is food. It is very safe when properly dispensed and, like acupuncture, can have powerful and dramatic effects on a person’s health.
Unlike Western drugs that individually target certain symptoms or problems, a prescription using Chinese herbal medicine takes the entire person into account and has the unique ability to have an entire formula customized for a patient’s specific needs. Custom prescriptions typically contain a variety of herbs that work together to address one or more issues as well as minimize potential side effects. The formula evolves with the patient’s condition and works best when combined with acupuncture, although both treatment modalities are quite effective on their own.
Women’s health issues such as fertility and GYN problems tend to respond particularly well to a combination of acupuncture and Chinese herbs.